Integrating Hardware with Bitwig Studio
Bitwig Studio makes it fun and easy to integrate external hardware and build a powerful, flexible hybrid setup that combines the best of both worlds. You can connect and combine hardware instruments, controllers and FX, in order to control external gear with Bitwig devices or vice-versa.
Using External MIDI Gear
Watch and learn how to connect your hardware synthesizers to Bitwig Studio, sync drum machines and groove boxes, or control external gear with MIDI CC with step-by step instructions. We'll also show you how to use Bitwig's Note FX and modulators to add powerful new features to external instruments, letting you create unique and custom devices that take your hardware to the next level.
0:00 | Introduction |
0:57 | Connecting external synths |
3:10 | Latency compensation |
3:44 | Basic MIDI features |
4:32 | MIDI CC |
6:07 | Modulators |
7:13 | Note FX |
8:10 | Sync hardware to Bitwig |
9:18 | Sync Bitwig to hardware |
9:53 | External MIDI controllers |
11:36 | External MIDI sequencers |
12:50 | Conclusion |
Meet Our MIDI Devices

The HW Instrument device passes notes on to your connected gear via MIDI. Select your external gear via the output chooser, pick a MIDI channel, and enable MPE if you so desire. You also have the option to send out MIDI Clock signals. The Return section allows you to route audio from your external hardware straight into the device, and it has built-in tools for latency correction.

Use the MIDI CC device in conjunction with HW Instrument to send CC (continuous controller) messages to your external gear. This is typically used to change hardware parameters in real time, directly from MIDI CC's eight knobs. Apply automation and modulation to taste.
Using External Audio FX
It's just as easy to integrate hardware FX to Bitwig Studio as it is to use our stock audio FX. We'll walk you through how to connect your pedals and other external FX to Bitwig Studio so that you can use them as an insert FX on an audio track or as a send effect.
0:33 | Connect your hardware |
1:16 | HW FX Device |
2:52 | Insert FX |
3:21 | Send FX |

The humble HW FX device is a simple audio router, allowing you to send and receive audio to and from external sources, right in your device chain.
Integrating Your Modular Setup
Learn to use Bitwig's dedicated devices to expand the functionality of your CV-enabled hardware, such as Eurorack modular synths.
0:00 | The possibilities of Bitwig and CV |
0:37 | Connect your hardware |
1:20 | HW CV instrument |
3:58 | HW Clock Out |
5:53 | HW CV Out |
7:27 | HW CV In |

Use the HW CV Instrument device to send any notes in Bitwig Studio as Pitch (CV) and Gate signals to your analog gear. The audio-in routing allows you to receive your audio back into the device, with built-in latency compensation. Tame hard-to-tune analog oscillators with the Tuning feature, which creates a pitch offset curve.

With a single knob, HW CV Out generates a DC signal you can use to control anything in the analog world. Automate and/or modulate the knob to get software control and precision of analog hardware.

This device sends out a clock pulse via a hardware output for syncing things like analog sequencers and LFOs. With the additional reset pulse, you can make sure all your gear is running on time and in sync. HW Clock Out also features extensive options for pulse speed and width, built-in latency compensation, and shuffle.
It Goes Both Ways
Sending signals out of Bitwig Studio is just one-half of the equation. There are also ways for the program to receive signals from your hardware, including notes, CC, and MPE messages from a keyboard or controller. On top of that, there are two types of modulation: MIDI and CV.

The MIDI modulator can be used to assign CCs, pressure or bend data to any device parameter in Bitwig Studio.

With the HW CV In modulator you can capture CV from external sources like LFOs, sequencers, and beyond to control any device parameter in Bitwig Studio. Includes gain and smoothing settings.

Connecting Hardware
via The Grid
Our open sound design environment, The Grid, gives you further possibilities to bring the worlds of hardware and software together. Audio, MIDI, CC, clock, and CV signals can be sent in and out with ease, crossing and blurring all boundaries.
Learn More