About Us
Our art is helping you make yours.
Bitwig was founded in 2009 in Berlin by four people who envisioned a digital-audio workstation (DAW) that's reliable, innovative, and that makes helpful suggestions — and then gets out of the way. That was the idea behind the launch of our first product in 2014, Bitwig Studio.
Our mission to create a beautiful DAW that thinks outside the box has earned us numerous awards and made Bitwig Studio the audio program of choice for musicians, sound designers, composers, film scorers, and artists from various fields. It also drove the development of our sound-design environment The Grid, which won accolades like Music Tech Magazine's Excellence Award 10/10 in 2019 and the Computer Music Editor's Choice Award and Performance Award. And while our company has grown and Bitwig Studio has evolved, our approach hasn't changed.

Our headquarters in Berlin now serves as a base for our team of 30 people. We come from different countries and various professional backgrounds, but we're all musicians of some stripe: instrumentalists, composers, producers, DJs and vocalists. Maybe that's what helps us focus on the bigger picture through our various lenses. Whatever it is, a tool proves its worth in the user's hand.
Get In Touch
Get in touch with us regarding any inquiry. We look forward to hearing from you.