Watch a Detailed Video Tutorial On Version 5's Browsers

Bitwig Studio 5 introduced an overhaul to our browsers that makes them more streamlined, more flexible, and more powerful. A new video from Jürgen Moßgraber, the author of many popular controller scripts for Bitwig Studio, provides a concise explanation of the improvements.

For example, the simplified layout shows all search results in one place — the browser's center pane — rather than dividing the results into tabs. Moßgraber also runs through some of the new key commands, which allow you to navigate with minimal mousing.

Watch the whole video to learn more about version 5's browsers and their abilities, such as saved searches and Smart Collections. If you want to go even deeper, check out our recent video that shares six tips for better browsing. And of course, you can always revisit the version 5 changelog to get detailed information on what has changed and how it all works.

July 27, 2023

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