Bitwig Studio 3

A short list of what’s new in Bitwig Studio 3, including new worlds of modular expression:
- The Grid, a modular sound design environment sporting 154 modules and lightning-fast workflows
- Poly Grid device: for creating synthesizers, sequenced patches, and more
- FX Grid device: for creating audio FX with optional voice stacking
- Automatic Project Backups, each time you re-save a project
- Realtime Ruler, showing timelines in minutes and seconds
- Ableton LINK version 3, supporting start/stop synchronization
- Global GUI Contrast settings, making the interface pop on any monitor
- Redesigned Instrument Inspector, offering polyphony, two mono voice modes, and more
- VU Meters in Routing Choosers, showing the signal you are looking for
- Reworked audio backends, sporting timing improvements on all platforms
Further details below.
“...Bitwig has delivered what could be argued as the most fun, creative and powerful DAW on the market today.”
Excellence Award 10/10
Enter The Grid
Modularity has been at the core of Bitwig Studio from the beginning. Devices can be nested, clips are containers, modulators exist everywhere, and practically anything can be dragged anywhere. But with Bitwig Studio 3, we are zooming out so you can push in.
Learn MoreTags:On Bitwig Studio
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