Meet Inspector Panel

A context menu is available across Bitwig Studio. By right-clicking on an item (practically any object or event), relevant actions that can be taken will be shown along with certain properties of that item. For a fuller list of the available properties, we also have the Inspector Panel.

To toggle the visibility of the Inspector Panel: click the view toggle for the Inspector Panel (the i icon), located in the window's footer.

The Inspector Panel follows the active panel's selection, displaying all properties of that selection. As there are many types of items in Bitwig Studio (clips, notes, audio events, devices, automation points, and tracks), the parameters displayed in the Inspector Panel can change dramatically depending on what you have clicked on.

By selecting a track, the Inspector Panel displays relevant parameters of that track.

The text entry box at top displays the current track name (shown in italics when the name is provided by Bitwig Studio). The color palette is identical to the one from the track header context menu, a Comment can be left for viewing here or in the mixer interfaces, and the Active toggle controls whether the selected track is currently running or deactivated.

Plenty of other parameters are shown within the Inspector Panel, including nearly all of the meters and controls from the track header. And we will get to the parameters that are now unfamiliar in the appropriate sections of this document.

The main idea is that the Inspector Panel is an ideal way to see all the parameters of most selected items. A context menu is also available for most items and window areas. Going forward, we will primarily use the Inspector Panel for viewing or altering parameters and the context menu for executing functions. So this isn't "goodbye" to either option, but rather "nice to meet you."

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